Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family is Everything

So I know that it is not Thanksgiving quite yet- in fact it's not even Halloween- but this week I have become extremely grateful for the family I have. Learning about different family types this week and the effect it has on children and the family has really opened my eyes and made me realize that I should never take my family for granted. I have the ideas and life I have because of my family. I feel so blessed!

Our world is built of different family types pertaining to ethnicity, social class, beliefs, functionality, etc. These different components have many influential impacts on the family, family relationships and how the family functions. Children are brought into the world every day and each is a new addition to a specific kind of family- some of which have harder family situations than others. Social class has a large influence on the family and how smoothly it functions- an unavoidable fact that affects everyone that is living. While this is true and being in a specific social class is often inevitable I also feel that life is what we make it! Family is important. Our families are where we learn and grow and become the individuals that we are. Although our social standing may not be where we want it we shouldn't let that have significant influences on family relationships and attitudes. Is it intriguing to anyone else how much influence social class or social standing can impact the family?

Also, presidential elections are coming up. While I am keeping my opinion on who is best to be the president I thought you may enjoy the following quote:

"America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home." - Mitt Romney

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