Friday, October 26, 2012

Marriage Relations

Thinking back to your past relationships, what was different about each? He was too lazy, she talked to much, he was into himself, she was too clingy.. the question probably crossed your mind: when will you find someone who fits you?? Through time and experiences, at last you find that perfect person for you. Yay!! Now on to marriage, right?

There are four steps to finding a companion: dating, courtship, engagement and marriage. Following these steps sets the foundation for a healthy husband/ wife relationship and influences the success of marriage.The dating stage is to find qualities in others that you like and the courtship stage is when you and your significant other decide to be exclusive and focus on getting to know each other on a deeper level. Engagement is a time to plan for the wedding and marriage. (Note: These are two different things.) Finally marriage is devoting yourself to someone and adjusting your life to be with that person forever. Marrying the person of your dreams can seem incredible at first which, it is! But it takes effort on both the husband and wife's part to maintain that level of happiness and love. Marriage isn't easy but it is worth it!

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes that spouses and families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness. Members of the LDS church live worthy lives, refraining from sexual intimacy and cohabitation, with high standards so that they can enter the Lords house (the temple) and be sealed to their spouse for time and all eternity. Marriage in the LDS church is forever. For more information please visit

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