Thursday, September 27, 2012

Unspoken Family Rules

Every home and family has rules. Clean your room before you can go to a friends house and play, make your bed and do your chores are a few examples. Many of these rules are displayed on the fridge or in an area of the home that everyone can see them and be reminded of what is expected. But what about those rules that are unseen and unspoken? This is kind of a hard topic to grasp since the unspoken rules are generally simply accepted and not questioned. However, they are important rules and its important to realize what they are because many times they effect how the family functions.

Looking at my own family/ extended family/ other families at the store and in the neighborhood I noticed some of the unspoken rules to be that you don't talk back to mom no matter what, hugging both parents before bed is part of being tucked in, children are supposed to listen the first time a parent asks them to do something and acting out is the quickest way to receive attention. Not all unspoken rules are positive but each has an impact on the family and how the family functions.

What are some of the unspoken family rules in your home?

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