Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Children and Sex Education

How do you plan to educate your children regarding sexuality? Is it a topic you wish to teach within your home? Or one that should be learned at school?

In New York City, there is a new sex ed curriculum that begins in middle school which covers more than most children at age 12 would generally learn. Students will cover everything from french kissing to oral sex. The purpose of this program is to educate children on sexual activity so if they chose to engage in it, it will be done in a "healthy" way. The classes will be coeducational and mandatory. How do you feel about this?

Many believe this is what happens when the state takes over parenting. Families and parents have different views on how to educate children concerning the birds and the bees and often they want to be the ones to talk to their children concerning procreation so their children are in a safe environment and the amount of information being learned can be monitored. How far is too far? When do we draw the line on involvement of school systems?

For more information on Mandatory Sex Ed in NYC visit:

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I appreciate how my parents handled the situation. We were exposed to sex slowly, beginning with us wondering why our friend's dogs were stuck together. As our maturity developed, our knowledge slowly increased. It was never one conversation, but rather a discussion over time. So health class was not the first time I heard those things. And my parents also discussed the class with us to explain things the teacher glossed over, as well.

However, our sex ed class was nothing like what NYC is proposing. I think explaining puberty, contraceptives, etc. is very different than teaching sexual positions, learning about porn stars, and exploring bestiality. It is my personal topic that those topics do not belong in a school program, especially a mandatory one.