I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom but yet at the same time had some concerns. Do you relate? My biggest concerns
pertain to not continuing to grow and being stuck inside all the
time. I'm a social girl, I like to get out and do fun things and learn! This week I read an article by Dennis Prager called, "Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind for a Mop?" This article was soo interesting and brought light and comfort to my concerns. One of the most intriguing parts of the article was when Prager stated, "the intellectual input she [a stay at
home mom] can find is likely to be greater than most women (or men) find
working outside the home." At first reading this statement I wondered
how that could be true but his support made sense and was solid evidence
that broadening intellectual horizons is not limited to the work force.
Mothers at home listen to the radio and have to actively engage and
make an effort to learn and more often then not, you learn more when you
desire it. Plus, stay at home moms are around all sorts of knowledge
every day as they listen to the news and radio and engage in their children's and husbands lives. How do you feel about woman staying at home? Does Prager change your opinion on the worth of staying home?
If you would like to read Dennis Prager's article visit: Mind for a Mop
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